About Us
Hi, I'm Darrin Warren, owner and operator of the DN&T 7.5" Gauge Railroad. The railroad was started in 2008 as a small 300 foot loop of track a home made locomotive and one car. The bug has bitten and now 5 years later we have over 1/4 mile of track 3 locomotives and 6 cars. Most of which are home made with pieces purchased from various manufactures.
Special Dedication
The DN&T and all its operations are dedicated to the man I admire most and that is my father Elton (Willie) Warren. He started this project with me, taught me a lifetime of skills and encouraged me every step of my life. He taught me integrity and perseverance as well as patience. We had a lot of plans for this rail road but less than five years after we started cancer took him. I'll miss you forever dad!!!
(Dad is pictured above)